DAY 1: Intro to Songwriting

  • Icebreaker activities to foster group cohesion.

  • Overview of the camp objectives and schedule.

  • Introduction to the fundamentals of songwriting: lyrics, melody, and harmony.

  • Listening and discussion session: analysis of popular songs to identify key songwriting elements. Students will present 2 songs that resonate with them.

    Exercise 1: Object Writing

    • Creative exercises to practice writing descriptive and evocatively

    • Peer feedback and discussion on each other's object writing sessions

Exercise 2: Creating similes and metaphors

DAY 2: Finding Inspiration / Crafting Lyrics

  • Exploring different sources of inspiration: personal experiences, emotions, and storytelling.

  • Creative exercises to spark ideas and develop themes.

  • Group discussion and sharing of potential song concepts.

    Exercise 1: Using any of the previous two days writings, exercises, to create song lyrics. Feedback and group discussion to ensue

    Exercise 2: Guided writing exercises using specific rhythms and meter

DAY 3: Melody and Harmony

  • Introduction to melody and its role in songwriting.

  • Memorable melodies from popular songs - each student shares two songs of choice, discussion to follow

  • Collaborative melody writing exercises

    Exercise 1: Students split off in groups, create simple melodies using provided chord progressions.

  • Introduction to harmony: basics of chord progressions, analysis of harmonic structures in popular song

  • Discussion on harmony/techniques for harmonizing melodies/minor and major harmonies

    Exercise 2: Using chords diatonic to major or minor C major scale, come up with your own progression and melody

DAY 4: Arrangement, Structure and Collaborative Songwriting

  • Understanding song structure: verse, chorus, bridge, etc.

  • Analyzing the arrangement of popular songs.

  • Collaborative Songwriting

    • Introduction to collaborative songwriting techniques.

    • Exercise 1: Group songwriting exercises where students work together to create songs.

  • Peer Feedback Session

DAY 5: Putting it all Together

  • On the final day, students will split off in groups or alone and workshop/complete any of the songs they have begun over the last week. I will be floating around to offer advice, help, feedback as the students work to finish their songs.

  • The second half of the day will be a showcase, performing completed or partially completed songs for one another, and providing feedback/suggestions.